Just to make it clear, I had four trainees but one dropped out mid-way through his training because his partner had a baby. These results are based on the three trainees who completed their programmes a couple of weeks ago.
Early evaluation from the first half of the pilot shows that trainees improved in their own assessment of their skills and experience in:
- interpersonal communication
- written communication
- writing for the web
- web technologies.
Comments from trainees include:
"My existing skills in things like teamwork, verbal comms, and patience have improved. My writing style has changed totally (for the better!) and I now know how to structure a piece of writing. Also my level of confidence has gone up because I feel I have accomplished something."
"I've gained a lot more confidence in my writing since I started with Poached...I've also been very grateful for Jess's support, especially in terms of my depression."
"I feel more equipped, more confident, more motivated...kind of, more alive as well as more happy."
"I think it's a really good programme as it gives access to this field to people who may not ordinarily get the chance."
Read the blogs of the trainees using the links to your right.
We start a new programme in design next week for two more trainees. Keep an eye on this blog for updates.