The atmosphere at Poached Creative

Emma, our Proofreader and Quality Officer, shares her thoughts on the welcoming atmosphere of the Poached Creative office

There is something in the air that says “you’re welcome.” This might sound like a cheesy ad slogan but it’s definitely true at Poached Creative. Since day one, I felt the warm welcome and now, months along, I feel like a valued member of the team. Warmth and hospitality permeate the air. This is really tangible.

There are multiple reasons why I enjoy working at Poached Creative. It’s not just appreciating its ‘uniqueness’ (Doesn’t every organisation think they are ‘unique’, ‘special’ and ‘original’!?).

Well, here at Poached, I think the gentle, inclusive atmosphere is truly unique.  It feels relaxed and friendly in this office even though it’s a busy environment. There’s always something going on. Sometimes all I hear is the tapping of keys on multiple keyboards when people are absorbed by their projects, in their own worlds. The silence is gentle. I think it’s a productive climate and the energy is upbeat  whether anyone is talking or not.

My colleagues, I call them comrades, are hard-working, down-to-earth people.  They look you in the eye, acknowledge your presence and engage in eclectic chit chat on a variety of different topics. This happens periodically when we have time.

Trust me, knowing that you ‘belong’ to a team, that you are ‘one of the guys’ and ‘there is a place for you’ in the office, is a great feeling.

You’re welcome.

I’m welcome.

Everyone is welcome.

Feeling welcome is not about someone telling someone.  It’s all about showing: I think it’s a look, an acknowledgement of your presence, eye contact, a nod, a smile and a gentle tone.  Even a simple hand gesture, in my case a beckoning hand gesture, can convey that message.

When I first arrived, I was invited to sit down, check my email or have a banana! 

“Just take one from that bowl on the kitchen table.”  

I appreciated those words.

I know that visitors and volunteers feel the same way.  They feel that warm welcome.

How do I know?  Because they have told me. 

You will always be invited to sit down, have a cup of tea and wait (if whoever you’re seeing is engaged on a call.) Unlike many London offices, you will not be ignored.

There are an interesting variety of projects, groups, clients and individuals who come through the office door. I get to observe the comings and goings from my seat by one of the big windows.  This dynamism is one of Poached Creative’s key strengths. 

Just today, nine people have come into the office to work on completely different projects. ‘Film Club’ leave uneaten chocolates or crisps in the office after their Wednesday night meeting. These leftovers can be gobbled up by the team on Thursday.

Pomposity is conspicuous by its absence. We operate in integrity, follow our briefs and meet deadlines.  Yet, there is always time to celebrate a birthday, drink a cup of tea, (if unlike me you’re a tea drinker) or eat a slice of cake.

Sometimes, music is played on the large Mac. Selections may not be to everyone’s taste, but I enjoy hearing melodies in the background. Even a surly teenager (who was on reparations) cracked a smile at the prospect of having to listen to Justin Bieber’s latest album.

Poached Creative is a welcoming organisation.  Yes, indeed.