Working together to create jobs for young people

By  Rooney John

Young people are nearly three times more likely to be unemployed than the rest of the population, according to the Office for National Statistics.

Over the past five years, Poached Creative and Mediorite have been helping to address this problem in Hackney, by providing the skills, support and guidance young people need to start their journey into employment.

Without qualifications, professional networks, skills, experience, support and guidance, many young people lack the confidence they need to find meaningful work and fall into a cycle of increasing isolation.

Even with great skills, many young people can find it hard to move into the world of work. We have recently come across several social enterprises and initiatives that offer practical solutions to youth unemployment here in our home borough of Hackney. Here are few:  

  • Create Jobs helps young people from East London find a career in Arts and the Creative Industries. They make it easier for employers in the Arts and Creative Industries to take on young East Londoners by shortlisting the candidates, offering support and advice and through helping them to access incentives.
  • Bootstrap provides training and employment opportunities to people aged 18-24 and who are interested in setting their own business through providing them expert support.
  • Task Squad matches young people that have voluntary experience with organisations looking to fill short term paid employment.
  • Hackney 100 is providing paid work placements for young people in creative Hackney businesses.

Samantha Sparrow, Director at Task Squads says:

 “Most young people who come to us have really bad CVs that don’t explain the great skills that they actually have, so as well as providing work opportunities we help them develop great CVs that really showcase what they have achieved.”

"Young people bring a particular set of skills to the workplace and are incredibly motivated people when they get given the opportunity to work.”

At Poached Creative and Mediorite we will continue to work with organisations dedicated to finding a solution to youth unemployment, training and mentoring young creatives to help them build their futures.

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